Oscillating Duality
The necessary re-orientation of this
called for a review of the two key dualities: oscillating and unfolding. This led to minor readjustments.Oscillating Duality
The sense of a self that possesses appears to oscillate in the . The basis of this oscillation, which is universal in taxonomic hierarchies, is as yet unknown.
operates pervasively and is felt to be about . TheIn the odd-numbered methods, this sense is noticeably impacted by external forces and therefore ends up somewhat diffusely defined. The resultant self is a private matter, and not usually easily articulated by the person.
In the even-numbered methods, the sense of self is more distinctly defined, and the ultimate outcome becomes public.
Odd: Diffuse & Private

- sense of self is intimately tied to stimulation and the relevant but rather undefined networks where personal qualities are recognized and validated by others. The overall personal outcome that results from such diverse connections is inevitably private. : the
- sense of self is bound up with feelings. Some of these may be projected into others, and some may have been received from or contained for others. Yet others may vary in presence, intensity or quality dependent on the use of psychic defences. These inner feelings exist within a private sphere. : the
- sense of self is bound up with diverse significant relationships, and varies as these develop and change over time. Knowledge of these relationships is largely private, and so is the resultant self. : the
- the sense of self. The resulting experience of self is hard to pin down, probably unique and unavoidably private. : selflessness is particularly valued, and the whole of humanity or even the Cosmos may become indistinguishable from
Even: Defined & Public
- sense of self is tied up with the physical body: especially its fitness and strength. Physique is publicly visible; activities like sport, dance, jogging are observable; and ill-health cannot be kept secret for long. : the
- the sense of self is objectified in the form of a self-concept or "true self" that is a property of the person. An authentic self may be discovered and developed in private. However, public presentation must occur so as to deserve necessary esteem, acceptance and respect. :
- sense of self is defined by the choice of specific enduring group memberships and roles within projects. These choices are unequivocal, driven by self-interest, and become a public matter. : the
- Check the unfolding duality.
- Continue to the TET.
Originally posted: 15-Oct-2014. Last updated 12-Dec-2014.